Employees are the face of your company. You invest time and money into developing individuals that
will represent your brand with excellence and treat customers with the highest respect. While the hope
is that you have employees that follow guidelines and policies, it is important to take preventative
measures to remove temptation for cutting corners.

Unfortunately, timesheet altering and “theft” is more common than most of us realize. To reduce the
opportunities for employees to do so, we’ve compiled a few ideas to help:

1.  Require clock-in/out for all employees, including management staff

2.  Employee Setup

-Ensure securities, rates, and salary are set-up correctly.

3.  Use fingerprint scanner for employee clock-in/out process

-Setup securities to require manager assistance with registering fingerprints for

-Require employees to register at least two fingers, one from each hand.

-Use of fingerprint scanner virtually eliminates an employee clocking in another employee.

4.  Review Employee Timesheet Audit Report (weekly at a minimum)

-Never allow employees to edit their own timesheet. Require edit by employee with
higher security level. Example: Assistant Manager requires Manager edit, Manager
requires District Manager edit.

-Require explanation for edits. Some operators require a manager to contact the owner
or district manager before any timesheet edits are completed.

-Review edits to see if additional employee training is necessary regarding employee
clock in/out procedures.

5.  Compare employee clock-in/out times to posted schedule

-Check clock-in and clock-out times compared to scheduled time. If employees are
clocking in 5-10 minutes early several days a week, the additional labor cost per month
can be a few extra percentage points. Example: Five employees clock-in early and/or out
late a total of 15 minutes four times a week. That is an extra five hours of labor used.
Those few minutes make a big impact to your bottom line.

-Use a computer spreadsheet for your schedule so you can save it to use for comparison.

Remove the temptation to cheat the system by eliminating the opportunity.

General questions?  We would love to answer them! Please contact us: isi@ints.com